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Antenatal Classes

Many researchers agree that educating women during their pregnancy has a positive impact on pregnancy and childbirth, with reductions in delivery complications, less anxiety, more confidence during labor, and fewer obstetrical interventions.

Some of what we cover in our classes:

Nutrition & exercise during pregnancy

Nutrition and exercise is an essential part of any pregnancy. During Our classes we cover, what you can and can't eat, supplements and exercise for a happy healthy pregnancy. We also discuss who can and can't exercise.

Caring for yourself after birth

As a mother, many women focus on caring for their new baby bit forget to care for themselves. During our classes we discuss self care; from wound care to postnatal depression, we provide practical ways to care for yourself.

Nappy changes and caring for your baby

Sometimes the most simple tasks can give us the most anxiety. Make sure you're well prepared for your new addition by learning how to change a nappy, do a baby bath and get the scoop on baby swaddling.

Modes of delivery: vaginal birth and c-section

Any pregnant woman has faced the decision on what mode of delivery would be best suited to her needs. We discuss in detail what can be expected from either vaginal birth and c-section to help you make an informed decision.

Parenting and sex after birth

Navigating life's challenges as a family of more than two is a huge adjustment. We discuss the challenges of being a new parent as well as caring for your relationship and returning to intimacy after birth.

Baby immunizations

There is also the more practical side of parenthood such as baby illness and immunizations. In our classes we discuss some minor illnesses as well as the routine vaccination schedule that babies in South Africa follow.

How to book a class:

Booking a class is simple, send us a message, give us a call or pop us an email so we can discuss when a class would suit you.

Our classes comprise of class 1 and class 2, each of which are on a Saturday from 9:00 - 14:00.

Our classes cost R3 000,00 in total, and include a light lunch.

Join an Antenatal Class in Centurion

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